#MAGFAB: Cynthia Erivo for The Envelope - 2nd January 2025
It's an autumn day in New York, which prompts Cynthia Erivo to start singing the opening lines of the jazz standard of that name because, as I learn through our hour together, it does not take much prodding to get Erivo to break out in song. She serenades me with Marvin Gaye, Kate Bush and — wait, what's that? Mike and the Mechanics?
"I did not picture you as a Mike and the Mechanics girl," I tell her. But then she reminds me of the ’80s ballad "The Living Years," and soon we're diving into its message about regret and unresolved conflict
These musical interludes aren't surprising. Erivo does, after all, have the lead role in the movie adaptation of the Broadway musical "Wicked," playing Elphaba, later known as the Wicked Witch of the West. In the first entry of a two-movie telling, Elphaba is a reserved, gifted young woman trying to hone her skills and maybe someday partner with the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It's also a story of female bonding when, after a rough start, Elphaba forms a bond with Glinda (Ariana Grande).
If, like millions of people, you've seen the stage musical, you know the rest. If not, you might be surprised about where it takes you.
Michelle Yeoh, who plays Elphaba's mentor, Madame Morrible, sees her co-star as a "kindred spirit, an artist still searching and wanting to learn." Erivo gets bonus points from Yeoh for holding her hand and calming her down with her "big beautiful eyes" when it came time to sing in the movie.
But this is a woman, I learn, who has no fear. She goes for walks on Laurel Canyon Boulevard, for goodness' sake.
There's a story about you that sounds so nuts that I have to ask about it. Did you really run a half-marathon before doing a matinee and evening performance of "The Color Purple"?
True. I made myself a promise that if I was able to finish this marathon in Brooklyn with enough time to get home and get myself ready, I'd do it. I finished it in an hour, 37 minutes.
How were the performances that day?
Painful ... but glorious.
You were feeling it?
The first thing I do in the show is get down on my knees. And after you've been running that amount and you've never done it before, your body is like, "What the heck is going on?"
You and I share a birthday with Elvis and David Bowie. And Kim Jong Un.
Let's say he was born on the 10th of January.

How did you celebrate your birthday last year?
I was on set in a harness, flying, rehearsing stunts. The crew surprised me with a beautiful hat-shaped birthday cake. And then a friend and I went shopping.
Did you treat yourself?
You seem pretty into being a Capricorn. All I really know is that we're supposed to be really work-oriented people.
We're methodical. We get things done. We tend to be know-it-alls. We have emotions, but we're not necessarily the best at showing them. So sometimes they build and then all pop out at once. We can be deeply caring. We're deeply loyal. If someone tells us a secret, we will keep the secret — not necessarily because we're keeping the secret, but because we forgot it. I can't tell anyone if I don't remember it.
What about holding on to grudges? That's another Capricorn trait I remember. Do you do that?
I think we forgive, but we don't forget. But people are human. We will f— up sometimes, and then we move on. So we forgive but don't forget — and then we grow. I value my friendships far more than holding on to anything that doesn't serve me. And if I am holding on to something, then it's probably not a relationship I should be in.
What did you bring to the scene where Glinda humiliates Elphaba, giving her that “hideodeous” black hat that she wears to the ball? It's like the prom scene in "Carrie," only Elphaba rises above the pettiness.
What I wondered when we were creating that scene is why she put the hat back on after it caused her so much hurt. And the only reason, I thought, is if she changed the reason for this hat, that it wasn't just a gift anymore, that it was mine, that it was meant to be mine and I can imbue it with power. And that dance she does is really her first spell, her first coming into herself.
You said that while doing that solo dance, you felt a force field of love surrounding you from the cast and crew. You can actually feel that force field watching the movie.
It did feel like that. When I did it, it was deadly silent on set. And there is a part of you that's fighting through it. All the moments of loneliness and heartbreak that I've felt myself, I just funneled them into the scene. I went home, and I don't remember the rest of the day. [Pauses] Why do I feel so emotional?
We could go back to talking about Capricorns. But what I am wondering, as "Wicked" is a story of a young woman finding a way into herself, is when you found your way.
There was definitely an agreement with myself in my early 20s to just walk into the room with as much of myself as I could possibly walk into the room with. It's a journey. Right now, I feel more myself than ever. I've been able to claim my queerness, my Blackness, even just shaving my hair and having my face being so shown.

You said that making "Wicked" made you appreciate your face more. How so?
Someone said to me that I was going to fall in love with the green more than my own face. Strangely enough, the opposite happened. I loved being green. I think Elphaba is beautiful. But every time I took the makeup off, I had an appreciation for the skin that I live in every day. I've always had appreciation for it, but this made it really clear.
Is that why you reacted so strongly to the fan who altered the poster for the film in a social media post, hiding your face under Elphaba's hat?
Having that passion for what this piece is and loving it so much and knowing how much I want to communicate through Elphaba, that's probably where that came from. And so in my little human moment I had ... I fell out on the internet, when really I should have just picked up my phone and called a friend. We have these human moments. And me being human and sensitive, I shared something that I think is part of the little girl in me. I realize that there are so many people who love this just as much as I do.
That moment seems very Elphaba. Any other traits you found really relatable?
We both lack patience, me more than her. I think we both have daddy issues. And we don't mince our words, that's for sure.
What's the best acting advice you've been given?
My acting teacher, Dee Cannon, taught me that my strongest suit was not the trope that most Black women are given, which is the strong Black woman. It was my vulnerability. And I have never looked back since. And you know, singing is one of the most vulnerable things you can do, so that applies there as well.
How obsessive are you when it comes to taking care of your voice?
I think about it daily. I've been using it for such a long time and she — I call her "she" — has been really good to me.
Does she have a name?
She doesn't have a name. But she's temperamental. [Pauses] I lie. She's not temperamental, but she'll tell me when she needs something. I'm a stickler for taking care of her. I always have water with me. I always have tea with me. There's always a lozenge in my bag, just in case. And if it's time to be quiet, it's time to be quiet.
What musician do you listen to most?
I'm very eclectic. I go on roundabouts, but I keep coming back to Kate Bush. My favorite album of hers is "The Sensual World." I've been listening to that and my very favorite album, Marvin Gaye's "I Want You."
Can you sing along with Kate Bush and all those high notes?
I can. My favorite song, because my sister and I used to sing it together, is "Babooshka." I love the story on that one. On the outside, it feels so far away. But actually it's the story of a woman trying to reconnect with her husband, who doesn't recognize her anymore. So she goes back to the thing that he recognizes to see if he'll find her again and he does. Heartbreaking.

The music that sticks with us is what we were listening to when we were 15. At least that's what one study said.
Probably. What's wrong with me then? Because I was listening to all of that when I was 15. I remember I walked through a phase when all I wanted to do was listen to Sting and Mike and the Mechanics.
You've lived in L.A. for five years now. Have you acclimated to the city?
I like the space. I like the sunshine. It's not necessarily a walking city, but I force it to be.
How do you force it to be?
I might take risks. I try to walk as many places as I can, but often the only way is to go up Laurel Canyon, which is dicey because, essentially, it's a big main road. There are very few sidewalks in L.A., so I just hug the side of the road and hope for the best.
How's that working out for you?
You could say it's just another way to get your heart going. And that's what we're all after, isn't it?
Get the Envelope newsletter, sent three times a week during awards season, for exclusive reporting, insights and commentary.
This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.
"I did not picture you as a Mike and the Mechanics girl," I tell her. But then she reminds me of the ’80s ballad "The Living Years," and soon we're diving into its message about regret and unresolved conflict
These musical interludes aren't surprising. Erivo does, after all, have the lead role in the movie adaptation of the Broadway musical "Wicked," playing Elphaba, later known as the Wicked Witch of the West. In the first entry of a two-movie telling, Elphaba is a reserved, gifted young woman trying to hone her skills and maybe someday partner with the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It's also a story of female bonding when, after a rough start, Elphaba forms a bond with Glinda (Ariana Grande).
If, like millions of people, you've seen the stage musical, you know the rest. If not, you might be surprised about where it takes you.
Michelle Yeoh, who plays Elphaba's mentor, Madame Morrible, sees her co-star as a "kindred spirit, an artist still searching and wanting to learn." Erivo gets bonus points from Yeoh for holding her hand and calming her down with her "big beautiful eyes" when it came time to sing in the movie.
But this is a woman, I learn, who has no fear. She goes for walks on Laurel Canyon Boulevard, for goodness' sake.
There's a story about you that sounds so nuts that I have to ask about it. Did you really run a half-marathon before doing a matinee and evening performance of "The Color Purple"?
True. I made myself a promise that if I was able to finish this marathon in Brooklyn with enough time to get home and get myself ready, I'd do it. I finished it in an hour, 37 minutes.
How were the performances that day?
Painful ... but glorious.
You were feeling it?
The first thing I do in the show is get down on my knees. And after you've been running that amount and you've never done it before, your body is like, "What the heck is going on?"
You and I share a birthday with Elvis and David Bowie. And Kim Jong Un.
Let's say he was born on the 10th of January.

How did you celebrate your birthday last year?
I was on set in a harness, flying, rehearsing stunts. The crew surprised me with a beautiful hat-shaped birthday cake. And then a friend and I went shopping.
Did you treat yourself?
You seem pretty into being a Capricorn. All I really know is that we're supposed to be really work-oriented people.
We're methodical. We get things done. We tend to be know-it-alls. We have emotions, but we're not necessarily the best at showing them. So sometimes they build and then all pop out at once. We can be deeply caring. We're deeply loyal. If someone tells us a secret, we will keep the secret — not necessarily because we're keeping the secret, but because we forgot it. I can't tell anyone if I don't remember it.
What about holding on to grudges? That's another Capricorn trait I remember. Do you do that?
I think we forgive, but we don't forget. But people are human. We will f— up sometimes, and then we move on. So we forgive but don't forget — and then we grow. I value my friendships far more than holding on to anything that doesn't serve me. And if I am holding on to something, then it's probably not a relationship I should be in.
What did you bring to the scene where Glinda humiliates Elphaba, giving her that “hideodeous” black hat that she wears to the ball? It's like the prom scene in "Carrie," only Elphaba rises above the pettiness.
What I wondered when we were creating that scene is why she put the hat back on after it caused her so much hurt. And the only reason, I thought, is if she changed the reason for this hat, that it wasn't just a gift anymore, that it was mine, that it was meant to be mine and I can imbue it with power. And that dance she does is really her first spell, her first coming into herself.
You said that while doing that solo dance, you felt a force field of love surrounding you from the cast and crew. You can actually feel that force field watching the movie.
It did feel like that. When I did it, it was deadly silent on set. And there is a part of you that's fighting through it. All the moments of loneliness and heartbreak that I've felt myself, I just funneled them into the scene. I went home, and I don't remember the rest of the day. [Pauses] Why do I feel so emotional?
We could go back to talking about Capricorns. But what I am wondering, as "Wicked" is a story of a young woman finding a way into herself, is when you found your way.
There was definitely an agreement with myself in my early 20s to just walk into the room with as much of myself as I could possibly walk into the room with. It's a journey. Right now, I feel more myself than ever. I've been able to claim my queerness, my Blackness, even just shaving my hair and having my face being so shown.

You said that making "Wicked" made you appreciate your face more. How so?
Someone said to me that I was going to fall in love with the green more than my own face. Strangely enough, the opposite happened. I loved being green. I think Elphaba is beautiful. But every time I took the makeup off, I had an appreciation for the skin that I live in every day. I've always had appreciation for it, but this made it really clear.
Is that why you reacted so strongly to the fan who altered the poster for the film in a social media post, hiding your face under Elphaba's hat?
Having that passion for what this piece is and loving it so much and knowing how much I want to communicate through Elphaba, that's probably where that came from. And so in my little human moment I had ... I fell out on the internet, when really I should have just picked up my phone and called a friend. We have these human moments. And me being human and sensitive, I shared something that I think is part of the little girl in me. I realize that there are so many people who love this just as much as I do.
That moment seems very Elphaba. Any other traits you found really relatable?
We both lack patience, me more than her. I think we both have daddy issues. And we don't mince our words, that's for sure.
What's the best acting advice you've been given?
My acting teacher, Dee Cannon, taught me that my strongest suit was not the trope that most Black women are given, which is the strong Black woman. It was my vulnerability. And I have never looked back since. And you know, singing is one of the most vulnerable things you can do, so that applies there as well.
How obsessive are you when it comes to taking care of your voice?
I think about it daily. I've been using it for such a long time and she — I call her "she" — has been really good to me.
Does she have a name?
She doesn't have a name. But she's temperamental. [Pauses] I lie. She's not temperamental, but she'll tell me when she needs something. I'm a stickler for taking care of her. I always have water with me. I always have tea with me. There's always a lozenge in my bag, just in case. And if it's time to be quiet, it's time to be quiet.
What musician do you listen to most?
I'm very eclectic. I go on roundabouts, but I keep coming back to Kate Bush. My favorite album of hers is "The Sensual World." I've been listening to that and my very favorite album, Marvin Gaye's "I Want You."
Can you sing along with Kate Bush and all those high notes?
I can. My favorite song, because my sister and I used to sing it together, is "Babooshka." I love the story on that one. On the outside, it feels so far away. But actually it's the story of a woman trying to reconnect with her husband, who doesn't recognize her anymore. So she goes back to the thing that he recognizes to see if he'll find her again and he does. Heartbreaking.
The music that sticks with us is what we were listening to when we were 15. At least that's what one study said.
Probably. What's wrong with me then? Because I was listening to all of that when I was 15. I remember I walked through a phase when all I wanted to do was listen to Sting and Mike and the Mechanics.
You've lived in L.A. for five years now. Have you acclimated to the city?
I like the space. I like the sunshine. It's not necessarily a walking city, but I force it to be.
How do you force it to be?
I might take risks. I try to walk as many places as I can, but often the only way is to go up Laurel Canyon, which is dicey because, essentially, it's a big main road. There are very few sidewalks in L.A., so I just hug the side of the road and hope for the best.
How's that working out for you?
You could say it's just another way to get your heart going. And that's what we're all after, isn't it?
Get the Envelope newsletter, sent three times a week during awards season, for exclusive reporting, insights and commentary.
This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.
#RHOA: NeNe Leakes Shares First Photos of New Granddaughter
Everyone’s favorite Real Housewives of Atlanta alum, NeNe Leakes is a grandmother once again. The proud grandma shared photos of her newest grandbaby on social media and you can tell she is over the moon to welcome the latest addition to the family.
NeNe is also a grandmother to three other grandbabies, Bri’asia, Benny, and Brayden. The three are children of her older son Bryson. Fans probably remember NeNe welcoming Bri’asia and coining herself a “Glam’Ma” back in Season 5 of RHOA.
At the time, the reality star said she was too young to be a grandma, but it looks like she’s happily grown into the role.
NeNe shared the good news of her growing family on Instagram. She shared adorable photos of the new baby, the child of her youngest son Brentt. The newborn shoot was Christmas-themed and NeNe joyfully called the baby the best holiday gift ever.
Her caption read, “Swipe: Best Christmas Gift ever… This little bundle of love and joy arrived just in time for Christmas. Kynd Leakes, Brentt’s first child/first daughter, Fabulous Glam’Ma.” Even if she’s grown to love being a grandmother, she’s not ready to relinquish the title of Glam’Ma.
After all, she’s been living the glam life in 2024. NeNe has been working on getting her professional life back on track. She landed a Lifetime show back in July that focused on documenting the “trials and tribulations” of several couples.
NeNe also worked with NBC Universal for E! Called Live from E!: Emmy Afterparty. She joined E! Host Justin Sylvester and Vanderpump Rules’ Ariana Madix to share her thoughts on everything happening at the Emmys.
She even responded positively when fans asked about a potential RHOA comeback. I mean, NeNe burned those brides pretty badly, but maybe if she and Andy can mend fences, a return for her isn’t outside the realm of possibility.
For now, she seems quite happy enjoying her new grandbaby and living that Glam’Ma life.
Everyone’s favorite Real Housewives of Atlanta alum, NeNe Leakes is a grandmother once again. The proud grandma shared photos of her newest grandbaby on social media and you can tell she is over the moon to welcome the latest addition to the family.
NeNe is also a grandmother to three other grandbabies, Bri’asia, Benny, and Brayden. The three are children of her older son Bryson. Fans probably remember NeNe welcoming Bri’asia and coining herself a “Glam’Ma” back in Season 5 of RHOA.
At the time, the reality star said she was too young to be a grandma, but it looks like she’s happily grown into the role.
NeNe shared the good news of her growing family on Instagram. She shared adorable photos of the new baby, the child of her youngest son Brentt. The newborn shoot was Christmas-themed and NeNe joyfully called the baby the best holiday gift ever.
Her caption read, “Swipe: Best Christmas Gift ever… This little bundle of love and joy arrived just in time for Christmas. Kynd Leakes, Brentt’s first child/first daughter, Fabulous Glam’Ma.” Even if she’s grown to love being a grandmother, she’s not ready to relinquish the title of Glam’Ma.
After all, she’s been living the glam life in 2024. NeNe has been working on getting her professional life back on track. She landed a Lifetime show back in July that focused on documenting the “trials and tribulations” of several couples.
NeNe also worked with NBC Universal for E! Called Live from E!: Emmy Afterparty. She joined E! Host Justin Sylvester and Vanderpump Rules’ Ariana Madix to share her thoughts on everything happening at the Emmys.
She even responded positively when fans asked about a potential RHOA comeback. I mean, NeNe burned those brides pretty badly, but maybe if she and Andy can mend fences, a return for her isn’t outside the realm of possibility.
For now, she seems quite happy enjoying her new grandbaby and living that Glam’Ma life.
#MusicNews: India Shawn Releases Video For Latest Single “There Must Be A God”

R&B sensation India Shawn has just released the visual for her recently released single “There Must Be A God”.
The enchanting track was produced by D’Mile and features India’s angelic vocals.

R&B sensation India Shawn has just released the visual for her recently released single “There Must Be A God”.
The enchanting track was produced by D’Mile and features India’s angelic vocals.
“There Must Be A God” was created for the Hulu original movie “She Taught Love” which is out now.
Joe Budden has responded after news broke that the rapper-turned-podcast host has been charged with lewdness after allegedly standing outside his neighbor’s property while naked.
On New Year’s Eve (December 31), Edgewater Police Department in New Jersey confirmed in a press release that Budden was charged earlier in December over the alleged incident.
He is accused of standing outside his neighbor’s apartment door “completely naked” in the early hours of December 4 and “attempting to enter a code into the door keypad several times before reentering his own residence across the hall,” according to police.
Taking to X following the press release, Budden wrote: “Yall so dramatic lol.”
He also made light of the situation with a meme to his Instagram Story, showing a man laughing as he shows someone else something on his phone.
Joe Budden’s lawyer Nima Ameri told TMZ that his client is disappointed by the charges being made public and that he is pursuing his own legal action against the neighbor.
“Mr. Budden is saddened by Police Chief Martin’s press release. Mr. Budden has been waiting weeks for his cross complaints to be processed which include substantially more serious charges include possible felony charges against the persons behind these charges against him,” Ameri said.
“The Chief has in our opinion sat on those but instead used his time to gain some free publicity for himself. Chief Martin should seek publicity by doing notable policing not inflaming disorderly person allegations.”
The attorney further accused Edgewater Police chief Donald A. Martin of racism: “The allegations against Mr. Budden are a minor charge, not even resulting in an arrest. A charge Mr. Budden is looking forward to beating in court on the merits, not in the press. The Chief’s comments are reckless, and in our opinion racially motivated.
“Our research has not shown a single press release on a disorderly person charge on the police website this year. His choice to single out Mr. Budden in our opinion is self motivated and based off of Mr. Budden’s race and celebrity status.”
Budden himself also appeared to reference the incident in question in a recent episode, blaming it on his tendency to sleepwalk.
“I just sleptwalk somewhere that I shouldn’t have sleptwalked,” he said. “And you know how I sleep: butt-ass [naked]! Good naked sleepwalking, I just did it again [laughs].”
The press release notes that “these charges are merely accusations and and that the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.” A court date is set for later this month.
On New Year’s Eve (December 31), Edgewater Police Department in New Jersey confirmed in a press release that Budden was charged earlier in December over the alleged incident.
He is accused of standing outside his neighbor’s apartment door “completely naked” in the early hours of December 4 and “attempting to enter a code into the door keypad several times before reentering his own residence across the hall,” according to police.
Taking to X following the press release, Budden wrote: “Yall so dramatic lol.”
He also made light of the situation with a meme to his Instagram Story, showing a man laughing as he shows someone else something on his phone.
Joe Budden’s lawyer Nima Ameri told TMZ that his client is disappointed by the charges being made public and that he is pursuing his own legal action against the neighbor.
“Mr. Budden is saddened by Police Chief Martin’s press release. Mr. Budden has been waiting weeks for his cross complaints to be processed which include substantially more serious charges include possible felony charges against the persons behind these charges against him,” Ameri said.
“The Chief has in our opinion sat on those but instead used his time to gain some free publicity for himself. Chief Martin should seek publicity by doing notable policing not inflaming disorderly person allegations.”
The attorney further accused Edgewater Police chief Donald A. Martin of racism: “The allegations against Mr. Budden are a minor charge, not even resulting in an arrest. A charge Mr. Budden is looking forward to beating in court on the merits, not in the press. The Chief’s comments are reckless, and in our opinion racially motivated.
“Our research has not shown a single press release on a disorderly person charge on the police website this year. His choice to single out Mr. Budden in our opinion is self motivated and based off of Mr. Budden’s race and celebrity status.”
Budden himself also appeared to reference the incident in question in a recent episode, blaming it on his tendency to sleepwalk.
“I just sleptwalk somewhere that I shouldn’t have sleptwalked,” he said. “And you know how I sleep: butt-ass [naked]! Good naked sleepwalking, I just did it again [laughs].”
The press release notes that “these charges are merely accusations and and that the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.” A court date is set for later this month.
Rihanna Reveals Lifestyle Change While Celebrating New Year’s Eve

The conversation for the next month will be about New Year’s resolutions, but Rihanna decided to share the huge change she made in 2024. The pop star revealed she did not have a single alcoholic drink last year.
On Wednesday (Jan. 1), the mother of two shared footage of herself celebrating the New Year with her friends. “Y’all, I didn’t drink all year,” she said in the video. “I didn’t drink all year.” In her caption, she wrote “New Year, New Me.”
This is an impressive admission for any human being, especially one in the entertainment business. For Rih Rih in particular, nothing was holding her back as this was the first year of the last three that she didn’t spend pregnant. Still, she made an important and beneficial choice for her health which is worth celebrating. Watch the video below.
While this major change in Rihanna’s life may be celebratory, fans are still impatiently and angrily awaiting her new album. The “Work” singer has made several teases over the years, but nothing may have riled fans up more than her appearance at Manhattan’s Girls Love Karaoke in December.
The 36-year-old artist performed “Needed Me” and “Sex With Me” from her last album, 2016’s Anti, for the crowd. Before she began, she told them she had about five minutes to spare because her “battery” was “about to burn out.” That is the most performing that she has done since the Super Bowl LVII halftime show, where she revealed her second pregnancy.
Together, she and A$AP Rocky share two children: RZA and Riot. “I loved him differently as a dad,” she told Access Hollywood about the Harlem rapper. “This is major, major-like; it’s a turn-on. It’s just like, ‘Wow! What a leader, what a great, patient, loving [dad]. And my kids are obsessed with him. I’m just a background, I’m an extra. Yep! It happens! It doesn’t matter if it’s girls or boys; they love their dad differently, and I love to see it.”

The conversation for the next month will be about New Year’s resolutions, but Rihanna decided to share the huge change she made in 2024. The pop star revealed she did not have a single alcoholic drink last year.
On Wednesday (Jan. 1), the mother of two shared footage of herself celebrating the New Year with her friends. “Y’all, I didn’t drink all year,” she said in the video. “I didn’t drink all year.” In her caption, she wrote “New Year, New Me.”
This is an impressive admission for any human being, especially one in the entertainment business. For Rih Rih in particular, nothing was holding her back as this was the first year of the last three that she didn’t spend pregnant. Still, she made an important and beneficial choice for her health which is worth celebrating. Watch the video below.
While this major change in Rihanna’s life may be celebratory, fans are still impatiently and angrily awaiting her new album. The “Work” singer has made several teases over the years, but nothing may have riled fans up more than her appearance at Manhattan’s Girls Love Karaoke in December.
The 36-year-old artist performed “Needed Me” and “Sex With Me” from her last album, 2016’s Anti, for the crowd. Before she began, she told them she had about five minutes to spare because her “battery” was “about to burn out.” That is the most performing that she has done since the Super Bowl LVII halftime show, where she revealed her second pregnancy.
Together, she and A$AP Rocky share two children: RZA and Riot. “I loved him differently as a dad,” she told Access Hollywood about the Harlem rapper. “This is major, major-like; it’s a turn-on. It’s just like, ‘Wow! What a leader, what a great, patient, loving [dad]. And my kids are obsessed with him. I’m just a background, I’m an extra. Yep! It happens! It doesn’t matter if it’s girls or boys; they love their dad differently, and I love to see it.”
Simone Biles Named Sports Illustrated’s 2024 Sportsperson Of The Year
Simone Biles is adding another accolade to her resume as Sports Illustrated’s 2024 Sportsperson of the Year.
Fresh off her stellar performance at the 2024 Paris Olympics, where she claimed four medals in team, all-around, vault, and floor exercise, Biles expressed her surprise at the honor, saying,
“Honestly, it is such a huge honor… I was still very shocked. I feel like I’m always shocked winning any sort of award or being honored.”
The magazine praised Biles for her unmatched achievements and impact, saying,
“Simone Biles is Sports Illustrated’s 2024 Sportsperson of the Year because she won gold, and then another gold, and then another; because she changed the face of her sport and the conversations around athletes in general.”
Congrats, Simone!
Simone Biles is adding another accolade to her resume as Sports Illustrated’s 2024 Sportsperson of the Year.
Fresh off her stellar performance at the 2024 Paris Olympics, where she claimed four medals in team, all-around, vault, and floor exercise, Biles expressed her surprise at the honor, saying,
“Honestly, it is such a huge honor… I was still very shocked. I feel like I’m always shocked winning any sort of award or being honored.”
The magazine praised Biles for her unmatched achievements and impact, saying,
“Simone Biles is Sports Illustrated’s 2024 Sportsperson of the Year because she won gold, and then another gold, and then another; because she changed the face of her sport and the conversations around athletes in general.”
Congrats, Simone!
Xzibit Ordered To Appear Before A Judge After Estranged Wife Krista Demands He’s Held In Contempt Over Alleged Unpaid Child & Spousal Support
Rapper Xzibit is facing legal heat after his estranged wife, Krista Joiner, filed a motion demanding he be found in contempt of court.
According to court documents obtained by In Touch, Krista claims Xzibit failed to pay his court-ordered child and spousal support for December 2024 and sold or transferred assets that were meant to be shared, despite their divorce still being in process.
Krista says Xzibit owes $94,763, including unpaid child support ($1,688/month), spousal support ($3,075/month), and $90K in unpaid legal fees. She also claims he sold assets tied to a cannabis business, including valuable trademarks, for $724K, without informing her—apparently violating their pending divorce agreement.
Following Krista’s filing, a judge reportedly agreed the matter needed to be settled in court and ordered Xzibit to appear, stating:
“You are ordered to appear in this court as follows, to give any legal reason why this court should not find you guilty of contempt, punish you for willfully disobeying its order.”
Xzibit has reportedly yet to respond. Their ongoing divorce battle, which started in 2021, has been full of drama, including Xzibit’s claims of financial struggles and insisting that his ex doesn’t need support—both of which Krista disputes.
A trial has reportedly been set for February 2025.
Rapper Xzibit is facing legal heat after his estranged wife, Krista Joiner, filed a motion demanding he be found in contempt of court.
According to court documents obtained by In Touch, Krista claims Xzibit failed to pay his court-ordered child and spousal support for December 2024 and sold or transferred assets that were meant to be shared, despite their divorce still being in process.
Krista says Xzibit owes $94,763, including unpaid child support ($1,688/month), spousal support ($3,075/month), and $90K in unpaid legal fees. She also claims he sold assets tied to a cannabis business, including valuable trademarks, for $724K, without informing her—apparently violating their pending divorce agreement.
Following Krista’s filing, a judge reportedly agreed the matter needed to be settled in court and ordered Xzibit to appear, stating:
“You are ordered to appear in this court as follows, to give any legal reason why this court should not find you guilty of contempt, punish you for willfully disobeying its order.”
Xzibit has reportedly yet to respond. Their ongoing divorce battle, which started in 2021, has been full of drama, including Xzibit’s claims of financial struggles and insisting that his ex doesn’t need support—both of which Krista disputes.
A trial has reportedly been set for February 2025.
August Alsina Fans React To His Friend Zu Seemingly Confirming Their Relationship

August Alsina fans are in shambles after his rumored boo, Zu, seemingly confirmed their relationship.
In a post that appears to be from Zu’s spam TikTok account, the two were seen together in a car, with Zu seemingly writing over the video:
“Ong, I’m going to climb this ninja emoji as soon as we get in the crib.”
Speculation about August and Zu being in a relationship began in 2022, when August shared a heartfelt post expressing his love for Zu as a close friend.
Shortly after the video was posted, it didn’t take long for the comment section to be flooded with broken heart emojis from August’s fans, many of whom were apparently still holding out hope to shoot their shot at him.
What are your thoughts on Zu’s post?

August Alsina fans are in shambles after his rumored boo, Zu, seemingly confirmed their relationship.
In a post that appears to be from Zu’s spam TikTok account, the two were seen together in a car, with Zu seemingly writing over the video:
“Ong, I’m going to climb this ninja emoji as soon as we get in the crib.”
Speculation about August and Zu being in a relationship began in 2022, when August shared a heartfelt post expressing his love for Zu as a close friend.
Shortly after the video was posted, it didn’t take long for the comment section to be flooded with broken heart emojis from August’s fans, many of whom were apparently still holding out hope to shoot their shot at him.
What are your thoughts on Zu’s post?
Floyd Mayweather Employees Not Being Paid
Floyd Mayweather Boxing + Fitness employees stage a walk out after not being paid...
From The Daily Mail
Employees at Floyd Mayweather's Los Angeles gym have staged a protest at the facility after claiming they haven't been paid by the boxing legend's 'Money Team' company for weeks.
The furious staffers held up signs and shouted over a microphone outside the gym on Highland Avenue, which they allege is being closed down after the lack of payment left them unable to cover rent and bill costs.
Floyd Mayweather Boxing + Fitness employees stage a walk out after not being paid...
From The Daily Mail
Employees at Floyd Mayweather's Los Angeles gym have staged a protest at the facility after claiming they haven't been paid by the boxing legend's 'Money Team' company for weeks.
The furious staffers held up signs and shouted over a microphone outside the gym on Highland Avenue, which they allege is being closed down after the lack of payment left them unable to cover rent and bill costs.
One of the signs accused Mayweather's company of 'modern-day slavery', while another simply read: 'The $ Team has no $'.
'We're out here just letting everybody know that they have not been treating us right,' said one of the employees.
'Even if you work for a different company and you ain't getting paid, you're scared to show up and say something because you know how businesses do. They silence you and they fire you because everything's "at will."'
The disgruntled fitness workers are also accusing the Mayweather Boxing + Fitness group of violating the California Labor Code, according to Citizen.
DreamDoll, the influencer, rapper, and reality star, recently took to Instagram to share the wonderful news of her pregnancy with her followers. In an emotional and heartfelt post, she wrote, "2024 has been a year of challenges, growth, and preparation."
"It reshaped me, taught me how to set boundaries, and helped me recognize what I allow into my life. But now, I'm stepping into 2025 with so much excitement for this new chapter becoming a mother."
In a video montage accompanying her message, DreamDoll showcased her baby bump while reflecting on the significance of this moment. She expressed, "This has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, and now, I'm living in the beauty of this incredible gift. There's a promise with my name on it, and I'm embracing it with open arms."
The journey to motherhood is often transformative, and for DreamDoll, this was no exception. She shared that the past year was filled with breakthroughs rather than just lessons. "This year has taught me that growth doesn't happen in isolation"
"What I've experienced weren't just lessons they were breakthroughs. Seeking guidance, advice, and mentorship from those ahead of me has been invaluable. Surrounding myself with people who inspire and uplift me has been a key part of my journey," she noted.
DreamDoll also took a moment to thank her family and friends who have supported her through this time. "I've kept this part of my life a secret for so long, but now, I'm finally ready to share it with the world. To my family and friends thank you for being trustworthy, supportive, and loving throughout this time. I love y'all so much and I'm so grateful," she wrote.

In a touching message to her unborn baby, she added, "To my baby, you've given Mommy so much peace. You've given me all the reassurance and strength in the world and because of you, I know I'm going to be the best mother I can be. Everyone say hi to my Muffin ☁."
DreamDoll's announcement has resonated deeply with her audience, many of whom have followed her journey closely. Her honesty and vulnerability in sharing this monumental chapter of her life have not only inspired her followers but also underscored the importance of support, growth, and new beginnings. As she prepares to welcome her baby into the world, DreamDoll is undeniably stepping into a new era filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities.
"It reshaped me, taught me how to set boundaries, and helped me recognize what I allow into my life. But now, I'm stepping into 2025 with so much excitement for this new chapter becoming a mother."
In a video montage accompanying her message, DreamDoll showcased her baby bump while reflecting on the significance of this moment. She expressed, "This has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, and now, I'm living in the beauty of this incredible gift. There's a promise with my name on it, and I'm embracing it with open arms."
The journey to motherhood is often transformative, and for DreamDoll, this was no exception. She shared that the past year was filled with breakthroughs rather than just lessons. "This year has taught me that growth doesn't happen in isolation"
"What I've experienced weren't just lessons they were breakthroughs. Seeking guidance, advice, and mentorship from those ahead of me has been invaluable. Surrounding myself with people who inspire and uplift me has been a key part of my journey," she noted.
DreamDoll also took a moment to thank her family and friends who have supported her through this time. "I've kept this part of my life a secret for so long, but now, I'm finally ready to share it with the world. To my family and friends thank you for being trustworthy, supportive, and loving throughout this time. I love y'all so much and I'm so grateful," she wrote.

In a touching message to her unborn baby, she added, "To my baby, you've given Mommy so much peace. You've given me all the reassurance and strength in the world and because of you, I know I'm going to be the best mother I can be. Everyone say hi to my Muffin ☁."
DreamDoll's announcement has resonated deeply with her audience, many of whom have followed her journey closely. Her honesty and vulnerability in sharing this monumental chapter of her life have not only inspired her followers but also underscored the importance of support, growth, and new beginnings. As she prepares to welcome her baby into the world, DreamDoll is undeniably stepping into a new era filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities.
10 Wounded After Mass Shooting Outside Queens Nightclub; 4 Suspects at Large
At least 10 people have been rushed to the hospital after a shooting outside a nightclub in Queens, N.Y., on Wednesday night, the New York Police Department says.
All of the victims in the 144th Street shooting outside Amazura nightclub — six females, four males — are expected to survive, police said. Authorities are investigating if the shooting is gang-related. They say there is no nexus to terror.
According to investigators, police got multiple 911 calls shortly after 11 p.m. for a shooting at the club. Roughly 90 people were inside, upstairs at a private venue, celebrating the life of a 16-year-old who was shot to death. The venue was at capacity, and about 15 were waiting to get in.
Authorities say that’s when three to four males, believed to be in their mid-to-late-teens to early 20s, walked up and opened fire on the group standing outside the club. About 30 shots were fired. At least 10 people were hit.
No arrests have been made.
“There’s zero tolerance for these senseless shootings,” Philip Rivera, the NYPD’s chief of transportation, said at a press conference. “These horrible acts of violence on our streets, and those responsible for this crime, will be apprehended and brought to justice.”
On New Year’s Day, a 42-year-old allegedly drove a truck into a crowd of people celebrating on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, killing 15 people and injuring dozens in what authorities say was an apparent act of terror. The suspect was killed in a shootout with police at the scene.
At least 10 people have been rushed to the hospital after a shooting outside a nightclub in Queens, N.Y., on Wednesday night, the New York Police Department says.
All of the victims in the 144th Street shooting outside Amazura nightclub — six females, four males — are expected to survive, police said. Authorities are investigating if the shooting is gang-related. They say there is no nexus to terror.
According to investigators, police got multiple 911 calls shortly after 11 p.m. for a shooting at the club. Roughly 90 people were inside, upstairs at a private venue, celebrating the life of a 16-year-old who was shot to death. The venue was at capacity, and about 15 were waiting to get in.
Authorities say that’s when three to four males, believed to be in their mid-to-late-teens to early 20s, walked up and opened fire on the group standing outside the club. About 30 shots were fired. At least 10 people were hit.
No arrests have been made.
“There’s zero tolerance for these senseless shootings,” Philip Rivera, the NYPD’s chief of transportation, said at a press conference. “These horrible acts of violence on our streets, and those responsible for this crime, will be apprehended and brought to justice.”
On New Year’s Day, a 42-year-old allegedly drove a truck into a crowd of people celebrating on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, killing 15 people and injuring dozens in what authorities say was an apparent act of terror. The suspect was killed in a shootout with police at the scene.
Tom Holland Reveals Why He Doesn't Join Zendaya for Her Red Carpet Premieres, Why He'll Retire From Acting When He Has Kids

Tom Holland is looking super handsome in his new Men’s Health magazine cover story, and in it, he spoke about his girlfriend Zendaya multiple times.
We’re breaking down some of his biggest quotes about her!
When asked why he doesn’t join Zendaya for her premieres, he told the mag, “Because it’s not my moment, it’s her moment, and if we go together, it’s about us.”
He also sweetly called her by a nickname, “Z,” when relaying a story about doing a backflip. “So I went outside and I was getting ready, and I was thinking, I can do this. I can totally do this. I’ve done this thousands of times. And Z was there, and she was like, ‘Are you sure you can still do this?’” He reassured her, bent down, and launched himself. “I actually did land it, but I pulled every muscle in my stomach, because when you do a backflip, it’s all about extending up as much as you can and then tucking. For weeks, I could not laugh because my stomach was so sore.”
Another notable quote came with Tom talking about one day having kids and retiring from acting. He shared, “When I have kids, you will not see me in movies anymore. Golf and dad. And I will just disappear off the face of the earth.” He seemingly said this as a desire for a more normal life once having children.
For more from Tom, visit MensHealth.com.

Tom Holland is looking super handsome in his new Men’s Health magazine cover story, and in it, he spoke about his girlfriend Zendaya multiple times.
We’re breaking down some of his biggest quotes about her!
When asked why he doesn’t join Zendaya for her premieres, he told the mag, “Because it’s not my moment, it’s her moment, and if we go together, it’s about us.”
He also sweetly called her by a nickname, “Z,” when relaying a story about doing a backflip. “So I went outside and I was getting ready, and I was thinking, I can do this. I can totally do this. I’ve done this thousands of times. And Z was there, and she was like, ‘Are you sure you can still do this?’” He reassured her, bent down, and launched himself. “I actually did land it, but I pulled every muscle in my stomach, because when you do a backflip, it’s all about extending up as much as you can and then tucking. For weeks, I could not laugh because my stomach was so sore.”
Another notable quote came with Tom talking about one day having kids and retiring from acting. He shared, “When I have kids, you will not see me in movies anymore. Golf and dad. And I will just disappear off the face of the earth.” He seemingly said this as a desire for a more normal life once having children.
For more from Tom, visit MensHealth.com.
Shemar Moore Cuddles Up with 23-Month-Old Daughter Frankie as They Ring in the New Year: 'Daddy's Baby Girl'
Shemar Moore rang in the new year alongside his daughter.
On Thursday, Jan. 2, the S.W.A.T. actor, 54, posted a photo on his Instagram of himself and his 23-month-old daughter Frankie as they celebrated the turn of the year. In the photo, Moore holds his daughter as she cuddles close, wearing her hair in braids.
"Frankie M---------- Moore… DADDY’s BABY GIRL… PERIOD!!" Moore wrote in his caption. "HAPPY NEW YEAR 🩷💜❤️🙏🏽 @jesiree ❤️."
Moore shares his daughter with partner Jesiree Dizon.
In September, Moore shared a series of photos on his Instagram of his daughter Frankie. In some photos, Frankie played in a park and got a kiss from her mom Dizon, while in others the two posed in a car together.
Frankie could then be seen giving her dad a sweet kiss as the two relaxed together on a couch, and playing peekaboo through a glass wall with Moore. "Mama, Daddy, & Frankie! Frankie kinda killing the GAME!!! ❤️🔥," he captioned the post.
In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE in June, Moore opened up about potentially growing his family in the next few years.
“Possibly. But I ain’t no Spring Chicken and Ms. Thing [Dizon], she’s already got two wonderful kids — her son, Kayden, who’s 17, and her little daughter Charlie, who’s 6 — and they’re sweethearts,” Moore said. “And then we got little Frankie. We got our dog, Tyson. So we got a full house.”
“I was raised an only child, so I’m all about. I’m not going to live forever,” Moore added. “And let’s say I make it to 90, that puts Frankie at 37. So I’d rather give her 37 years of all of me, than worry twice and split that up.”
Shemar Moore rang in the new year alongside his daughter.
On Thursday, Jan. 2, the S.W.A.T. actor, 54, posted a photo on his Instagram of himself and his 23-month-old daughter Frankie as they celebrated the turn of the year. In the photo, Moore holds his daughter as she cuddles close, wearing her hair in braids.
"Frankie M---------- Moore… DADDY’s BABY GIRL… PERIOD!!" Moore wrote in his caption. "HAPPY NEW YEAR 🩷💜❤️🙏🏽 @jesiree ❤️."
Moore shares his daughter with partner Jesiree Dizon.
In September, Moore shared a series of photos on his Instagram of his daughter Frankie. In some photos, Frankie played in a park and got a kiss from her mom Dizon, while in others the two posed in a car together.
Frankie could then be seen giving her dad a sweet kiss as the two relaxed together on a couch, and playing peekaboo through a glass wall with Moore. "Mama, Daddy, & Frankie! Frankie kinda killing the GAME!!! ❤️🔥," he captioned the post.
In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE in June, Moore opened up about potentially growing his family in the next few years.
“Possibly. But I ain’t no Spring Chicken and Ms. Thing [Dizon], she’s already got two wonderful kids — her son, Kayden, who’s 17, and her little daughter Charlie, who’s 6 — and they’re sweethearts,” Moore said. “And then we got little Frankie. We got our dog, Tyson. So we got a full house.”
“I was raised an only child, so I’m all about. I’m not going to live forever,” Moore added. “And let’s say I make it to 90, that puts Frankie at 37. So I’d rather give her 37 years of all of me, than worry twice and split that up.”
Jocelyn Wildenstein, “Catwoman” New York Tabloid Fixture, Dies at 79

Jocelyn Wildenstein, a New York tabloid fixture known for her surgery-enhanced feline features that led her to being dubbed “Catwoman,” has died.
Wildenstein’s partner Lloyd Klein told AFP she died of a pulmonary embolism in Paris. Though Wildenstein’s actual birthday has proven hard to track down, Klein told AFP that she was 79. Other outlets have also reported that she was 84 at the time of her death.
The New York City socialite became a tabloid fixture in the 1990s amid her divorce from billionaire art dealer husband Alec Wildenstein. Though she was well known, she was notably nicknamed “Catwoman” due to her distinct facial features.
In an interview with People magazine, Klein shared moments from their final hours together prior to Wildenstein’s passing: “We had a nice happy hour the same night and we were getting ready for the new year, and we took a little nap just to look good before getting dressed.”
He also shared that Wildenstein had phlebitis, which is described as inflammation of a vein.
“Because of her phlebitis, the legs were very, very swollen, and the blood was blocked, and there was no oxygen in the brain,” he told the publication. “And we were having a nap and when I wake up, I said, ‘Jocelyn, we have to wake up, we have to get dressed,’ and she was cold and she was dead.”
Born in Lausanne, Switzerland, Wildenstein told Interview magazine that her childhood was “fantastic” and spoke of her love for Africa. During the time of the 2023 interview she noted that there were over 2,000 animals at the Wildenstein family ranch in Kenya under protection. She also met her ex-husband in Africa. In addition to her ecological and educational philanthropy work in Africa, Wildenstein also began dealing art with her then-husband.
“I married Alec in Las Vegas in ’78, and right away we flew to Texas and started working on one of the biggest private collections in America. For 20 years we built this collection together,” she told Interview. Jocelyn shared with Vanity Fair that they usually spent about $1 million every month on their lavish lifestyle. The couple shared two children.
After nearly 20 years together, the two sparked a media frenzy with their messy divorce proceedings which last for two years. Wildenstein claimed she discovered Alec in bed with another woman. The New York Times reported that she told police that Alec waved a gun at her and he was arrested. At the time, Alec was released and ordered to stay away from Jocelyn and restricted from entering the Manhattan home they shared.
It was rumored that Alec encouraged his wife into surgeries so her facial appearance would appear more feline. People magazine also reported that Jocelyn claimed that part of why she got some facelift surgeries was because Alec “hates to be with old people.” But in a Vanity Fair interview Alec said, “She was crazy. I would always find out last. She was thinking that she could fix her face like a piece of furniture. Skin does not work that way. But she wouldn’t listen.”
Wildenstein also alleged that Alec planted stories about her apparent surgery “and hired a publicist and paid a plastic surgeon to certify that I completely changed my face” to “win the divorce.”
At the end of their divorce proceedings, Jocelyn was awarded $2.5 billion, plus an additional $100 million annually for the next 13 years, according to Reuters.
Despite the financial reward, things eventually took a turn when in a 2023 interview with The Telegraph Wildenstein admitted she had to file for bankruptcy in 2018. She revealed that in 2015, the family of her late husband — Alec died of prostate cancer in 2008 — terminated the annual payments.
Jocelyn began dating fashion designer Lloyd Klein in 2003 though they also had their fair share of tabloid attention. Wildenstein was arrested in 2016 for slashing Klein’s face with scissors during a fight in which she also allegedly threw a burning candle at his face. The couple reconciled and in July 2017, Klein and Jocelyn told the Daily Mail they’d gotten engaged.
Amid her financial woes, Wildenstein and Klein said they planned to create a documentary series about her life.
Wildenstein is survived by her two children and Klein.
LeBron James’ Son Bryce to Play Basketball for University of Arizona

*LeBron James‘ youngest son, Bryce James, hit up social media to announce his commitment to play basketball for the University of Arizona.
The 17-year-old posted a photo wearing a University of Arizona basketball uniform on the court. Bryce captioned the image: “100% commited[sic]🐻.”
After announcing his commitment to play for the University of Arizona, Bryce received an outpouring of support, with many fans, followers, and supporters celebrating and congratulating him in the comments of his post. One follower jokingly wrote, “bro saw the snowbunnies and knew it was his home.”
Another person commented, “Will this be the first James to have an actual good college career ?!!”
A third added, “This kid is more talented than his brother I’ve been telling you.”
One supporter added, “Congrats young fella. Don’t pay attention to the Hating comments you deserve every offer you get.
Keep Going!”
LeBron also expressed his excitement in a separate post, calling his son by his middle name. He wrote on Instagram, “BEAR DOWN!!!! CONGRATULATIONS Maximus!!”
PEOPLE reports that before committing to Arizona, Bryce received multiple offers, including from Ohio State and Duquesne University, the first to express interest in him in August 2022. In October 2023, Ohio State made an official offer, which Bryce shared on X (formerly Twitter).
In December 2022, Bryce signed an NIL deal with Klutch Sports, the agency founded by LeBron’s agent, Rich Paul.
Bryce follows in the footsteps of his older brother, Bronny James, who went pro last year. Bronny and LeBron made history in 2024 as the first father-son duo to play in the NBA together.

*LeBron James‘ youngest son, Bryce James, hit up social media to announce his commitment to play basketball for the University of Arizona.
The 17-year-old posted a photo wearing a University of Arizona basketball uniform on the court. Bryce captioned the image: “100% commited[sic]🐻.”
After announcing his commitment to play for the University of Arizona, Bryce received an outpouring of support, with many fans, followers, and supporters celebrating and congratulating him in the comments of his post. One follower jokingly wrote, “bro saw the snowbunnies and knew it was his home.”
Another person commented, “Will this be the first James to have an actual good college career ?!!”
A third added, “This kid is more talented than his brother I’ve been telling you.”
One supporter added, “Congrats young fella. Don’t pay attention to the Hating comments you deserve every offer you get.
Keep Going!”
LeBron also expressed his excitement in a separate post, calling his son by his middle name. He wrote on Instagram, “BEAR DOWN!!!! CONGRATULATIONS Maximus!!”
PEOPLE reports that before committing to Arizona, Bryce received multiple offers, including from Ohio State and Duquesne University, the first to express interest in him in August 2022. In October 2023, Ohio State made an official offer, which Bryce shared on X (formerly Twitter).
In December 2022, Bryce signed an NIL deal with Klutch Sports, the agency founded by LeBron’s agent, Rich Paul.
Bryce follows in the footsteps of his older brother, Bronny James, who went pro last year. Bronny and LeBron made history in 2024 as the first father-son duo to play in the NBA together.
Waka Flocka Shows Injuries After Claiming He Was Jumped By Ten People In Now-Deleted Post
Waka Flocka Flame claims he was attacked by a group of ten individuals in a fight that left him with visible injuries. The rapper shared a photo of his bruises and cuts on Threads earlier this week, causing concern among his fans. “Can’t believe nobody helped me fight ten n****s off, but I’m still standing ten toes,” Waka captioned the now-deleted post. He has yet to provide further details about the altercation.

After DJ Akademiks reposted the photo on Instagram, fans flooded the comments with messages of support. “Glad you only walked away with bumps and bruises—it’s a blessing no weapons were involved. Keep up that good hand work, bruh, and get some Brooklyn ninjas around you,” one user wrote.
Others took the opportunity to make pointed remarks about Waka’s political affiliations, with one commenter asking, “Where were his MAGA people when he was getting jumped?”
As of now, Waka has not commented further on the incident, leaving fans to speculate about the circumstances surrounding the altercation.
Waka Flocka Flame claims he was attacked by a group of ten individuals in a fight that left him with visible injuries. The rapper shared a photo of his bruises and cuts on Threads earlier this week, causing concern among his fans. “Can’t believe nobody helped me fight ten n****s off, but I’m still standing ten toes,” Waka captioned the now-deleted post. He has yet to provide further details about the altercation.

After DJ Akademiks reposted the photo on Instagram, fans flooded the comments with messages of support. “Glad you only walked away with bumps and bruises—it’s a blessing no weapons were involved. Keep up that good hand work, bruh, and get some Brooklyn ninjas around you,” one user wrote.
Others took the opportunity to make pointed remarks about Waka’s political affiliations, with one commenter asking, “Where were his MAGA people when he was getting jumped?”
As of now, Waka has not commented further on the incident, leaving fans to speculate about the circumstances surrounding the altercation.
Saquon Barkley wanted to go for record, but at peace with decision
Saquon Barkley explains his conversation with Nick Sirianni about whether he and the Eagles should pursue the single-season rushing record against the Giants in Week 18.
Saquon Barkley was honest on Wednesday afternoon. He wanted a shot to break Eric Dickerson’s single-season rushing record in Week 18.
But he’s also at peace with Nick Sirianni’s decision.
The Eagles’ head coach — after consulting with players, coaches, the general manager and the owner — decided to rest his key starters in Week 18 against the Giants in a game that means nothing for the Eagles’ playoff seeding.
And with that, Barkley’s historic pursuit of a 40-year-old record came to an end.
“He asked me if I wanted to play, if I wanted to go for it,” Barkley said on Wednesday. “I said on Sunday I probably didn’t care too much for it. When I slept on it, it was an opportunity to implant my name in football history. May never get another opportunity like that again so I’m down.
“But at the end of the day, I don’t care for putting the team as risk. He’s the head coach for a reason. He makes the decisions and whatever decision he wanted to make, I let him know if you want me to play, I’m going to go out there and make sure I get it. If we don’t, I’m OK with that too.”
Barkley said part of his change of heart from Sunday into Monday was hearing some of his offensive linemen push for the record. But in this case, the Eagles are prioritizing team health as they get set for what they hope is a long playoff run.
After Sunday’s win over the Cowboys, Barkley has 2,005 rushing yards on 345 carries. His 2024 regular season will end just 101 yards away from cementing his name in the history books and surpassing Dickerson’s record of 2,105 rushing yards, which was set way back in 1984.
What was Barkley’s reaction to Sirianni’s decision?
“My reaction was kind of like, I told my family, obviously my family probably wanted it a little bit more than me,” Barkley said. “But at the end of the day, the most important thing is winning football games and we’re in the playoffs. I got a bigger goal in mind anyway.”
Barkley on Sunday became just the ninth player in NFL history to rush for over 2,000 yards in a single season, joining Dickerson, Adrian Peterson, Jamal Lewis, Barry Sanders, Derrick Henry, Terrell Davis, Chris Johnson and O.J. Simpson.
While Barkley was honest about wanting to go for the record, he claimed he wasn’t disappointed and even smiled when he heard the question.
“Nah, not disappointment,” Barkley said. “At the end of the day, I’ll have a time, I don’t have time yet, to be able to reflect on this season and I’ve done a lot of great things so far this year. I always hold myself to a standard. I can go back and pick 15 or 20 plays that if I would have done this or made this guy miss, that record would have been broken pretty easy.
“It’s no disappointment. I’m blessed to even be in position to have an opportunity to do it. Like I said, it’s not in God’s plans. But what is in God’s plans is the opportunity to get ready for the playoffs and get myself, not just myself but all the starters, a little break so we can get in the playoffs healthy and go on a run.”
While Sirianni got input from a bunch of different sources, ultimately, the head coach said the decision was his.
And Barkley said he’s actually grateful that it wasn’t up to him.
“I wanted to do it but once I found out that we’re not, it kind of made it easier for me because it’s not my decision. It’s coach’s decision,” he said. “I’m glad that I didn’t have to make that decision. Because, say, if you go out there for a selfish reason and something negative happens and I’m the one that’s out there trying to get the offensive line to go play and beat the record for me, it sounds crazy. Honestly, I’m just happy I didn’t have to make that decision. Nick made it easier on me. I’m truly at peace with it.”
Barkley said his father took it the hardest. Barkley broke the news on Tuesday when his dad called to check up on him and wish him a Happy New Year.
While Barkley understands why his father wanted him to get the record, he said he’ll get over it.
“At the end of the day, the most important thing is winning football games,” Barkley said. “And he’s the one that raised me to be all about the team.”
Barkley admitted it would have been extra special to break the record against his former team, the Giants, but not for the reasons you might think. Despite what happened during this past offseason, Barkley has a lot of respect for the people in that organization, especially his former teammates and the trainers who helped him heal up after injuries. He said they're the reason he's the player he is today.
None of the previous eight players to rush for 2,000 yards in a single season have done it again but Barkley said he sees no reason he can’t be in position to make another run at Dickerson’s record in the future.
For this year, Barkley said, it just wasn’t in God’s plan.
“We didn’t come here and I didn’t sign here to break Eric Dickerson’s record,” Barkley said. “We came here to win a Super Bowl. I think everyone knows that. That’s our goal and what we want to accomplish.”
Saquon Barkley explains his conversation with Nick Sirianni about whether he and the Eagles should pursue the single-season rushing record against the Giants in Week 18.
Saquon Barkley was honest on Wednesday afternoon. He wanted a shot to break Eric Dickerson’s single-season rushing record in Week 18.
But he’s also at peace with Nick Sirianni’s decision.
The Eagles’ head coach — after consulting with players, coaches, the general manager and the owner — decided to rest his key starters in Week 18 against the Giants in a game that means nothing for the Eagles’ playoff seeding.
And with that, Barkley’s historic pursuit of a 40-year-old record came to an end.
“He asked me if I wanted to play, if I wanted to go for it,” Barkley said on Wednesday. “I said on Sunday I probably didn’t care too much for it. When I slept on it, it was an opportunity to implant my name in football history. May never get another opportunity like that again so I’m down.
“But at the end of the day, I don’t care for putting the team as risk. He’s the head coach for a reason. He makes the decisions and whatever decision he wanted to make, I let him know if you want me to play, I’m going to go out there and make sure I get it. If we don’t, I’m OK with that too.”
Barkley said part of his change of heart from Sunday into Monday was hearing some of his offensive linemen push for the record. But in this case, the Eagles are prioritizing team health as they get set for what they hope is a long playoff run.
After Sunday’s win over the Cowboys, Barkley has 2,005 rushing yards on 345 carries. His 2024 regular season will end just 101 yards away from cementing his name in the history books and surpassing Dickerson’s record of 2,105 rushing yards, which was set way back in 1984.
What was Barkley’s reaction to Sirianni’s decision?
“My reaction was kind of like, I told my family, obviously my family probably wanted it a little bit more than me,” Barkley said. “But at the end of the day, the most important thing is winning football games and we’re in the playoffs. I got a bigger goal in mind anyway.”
Barkley on Sunday became just the ninth player in NFL history to rush for over 2,000 yards in a single season, joining Dickerson, Adrian Peterson, Jamal Lewis, Barry Sanders, Derrick Henry, Terrell Davis, Chris Johnson and O.J. Simpson.
While Barkley was honest about wanting to go for the record, he claimed he wasn’t disappointed and even smiled when he heard the question.
“Nah, not disappointment,” Barkley said. “At the end of the day, I’ll have a time, I don’t have time yet, to be able to reflect on this season and I’ve done a lot of great things so far this year. I always hold myself to a standard. I can go back and pick 15 or 20 plays that if I would have done this or made this guy miss, that record would have been broken pretty easy.
“It’s no disappointment. I’m blessed to even be in position to have an opportunity to do it. Like I said, it’s not in God’s plans. But what is in God’s plans is the opportunity to get ready for the playoffs and get myself, not just myself but all the starters, a little break so we can get in the playoffs healthy and go on a run.”
While Sirianni got input from a bunch of different sources, ultimately, the head coach said the decision was his.
And Barkley said he’s actually grateful that it wasn’t up to him.
“I wanted to do it but once I found out that we’re not, it kind of made it easier for me because it’s not my decision. It’s coach’s decision,” he said. “I’m glad that I didn’t have to make that decision. Because, say, if you go out there for a selfish reason and something negative happens and I’m the one that’s out there trying to get the offensive line to go play and beat the record for me, it sounds crazy. Honestly, I’m just happy I didn’t have to make that decision. Nick made it easier on me. I’m truly at peace with it.”
Barkley said his father took it the hardest. Barkley broke the news on Tuesday when his dad called to check up on him and wish him a Happy New Year.
While Barkley understands why his father wanted him to get the record, he said he’ll get over it.
“At the end of the day, the most important thing is winning football games,” Barkley said. “And he’s the one that raised me to be all about the team.”
Barkley admitted it would have been extra special to break the record against his former team, the Giants, but not for the reasons you might think. Despite what happened during this past offseason, Barkley has a lot of respect for the people in that organization, especially his former teammates and the trainers who helped him heal up after injuries. He said they're the reason he's the player he is today.
None of the previous eight players to rush for 2,000 yards in a single season have done it again but Barkley said he sees no reason he can’t be in position to make another run at Dickerson’s record in the future.
For this year, Barkley said, it just wasn’t in God’s plan.
“We didn’t come here and I didn’t sign here to break Eric Dickerson’s record,” Barkley said. “We came here to win a Super Bowl. I think everyone knows that. That’s our goal and what we want to accomplish.”
U.S. Army Veteran Identified as Bomber in Tesla Cybertruck Explosion Outside Trump Las Vegas Hotel

The driver behind the deadly Tesla Cybertruck explosion outside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas has been identified as Matthew Livelsberger, a 37-year-old U.S. Army veteran from Colorado Springs, Colorado. Livelsberger lost his life in the fiery blast, which left seven bystanders injured. Authorities revealed the rented electric truck was packed with fireworks, gas canisters, and camping fuel when it detonated on New Year’s Day.
The vehicle, rented through the car-sharing platform Turo, was tracked from Colorado to Nevada using Tesla’s telemetry data. Federal investigators are now digging into Livelsberger’s background, with the FBI conducting searches at several Colorado Springs locations linked to the veteran. Law enforcement sources noted Livelsberger served in the military for nearly two decades, primarily with special forces. His last role was reportedly focused on autonomous systems management.
The incident has drawn comparisons to another New Year’s Day attack in New Orleans, where a rented electric Ford truck was used in a devastating explosion that killed 15 and injured dozens more. Both trucks were rented through Turo, and investigators are probing a possible connection between the drivers, as Livelsberger and the New Orleans suspect, Shamsud-Din Jabbar, reportedly served at the same military base.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk addressed the incident, emphasizing that the Cybertruck’s design minimized damage to the Trump hotel, redirecting the explosion upward and sparing the building’s lobby. Musk confirmed Tesla’s cooperation with investigators, including unlocking the vehicle remotely and providing surveillance footage from charging stations along the truck’s route.
As investigations continue, federal agencies, including the FBI and ATF, are pursuing leads across multiple states and overseas to determine whether the two New Year’s Day attacks were coordinated. President Joe Biden called the probes “fluid” and pledged to keep the public informed as more details emerge.

The driver behind the deadly Tesla Cybertruck explosion outside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas has been identified as Matthew Livelsberger, a 37-year-old U.S. Army veteran from Colorado Springs, Colorado. Livelsberger lost his life in the fiery blast, which left seven bystanders injured. Authorities revealed the rented electric truck was packed with fireworks, gas canisters, and camping fuel when it detonated on New Year’s Day.
The vehicle, rented through the car-sharing platform Turo, was tracked from Colorado to Nevada using Tesla’s telemetry data. Federal investigators are now digging into Livelsberger’s background, with the FBI conducting searches at several Colorado Springs locations linked to the veteran. Law enforcement sources noted Livelsberger served in the military for nearly two decades, primarily with special forces. His last role was reportedly focused on autonomous systems management.
The incident has drawn comparisons to another New Year’s Day attack in New Orleans, where a rented electric Ford truck was used in a devastating explosion that killed 15 and injured dozens more. Both trucks were rented through Turo, and investigators are probing a possible connection between the drivers, as Livelsberger and the New Orleans suspect, Shamsud-Din Jabbar, reportedly served at the same military base.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk addressed the incident, emphasizing that the Cybertruck’s design minimized damage to the Trump hotel, redirecting the explosion upward and sparing the building’s lobby. Musk confirmed Tesla’s cooperation with investigators, including unlocking the vehicle remotely and providing surveillance footage from charging stations along the truck’s route.
As investigations continue, federal agencies, including the FBI and ATF, are pursuing leads across multiple states and overseas to determine whether the two New Year’s Day attacks were coordinated. President Joe Biden called the probes “fluid” and pledged to keep the public informed as more details emerge.
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